

"Chunlan Cup" is 30cm high and its diameter is 30cm. The main body of the cup is "Yangshao Pottery". Yangshao culture has a history of about 7000 years and is a symbol of Chinese civilization. Go also has a fairly long history and is the national quintessence of the Chinese tradition.

The cup has the implied meaning of "historical origins" and "a distant origin and a long development". The design of "Chunlan Cup" embodies ancient Chinese philosophy that "still waters runs deep" and "great wisdom appears stupid". The cup body is round and looks grand and unsophisticated, dignified and elegant. It has the moral of "broad and profound mind", "simple and true qualities", "outstanding talents", "goodmannered and staid", and "all-inclusive". On the round belly of the cup there is "CL", behind which is the distorted go chessboard, having the moral that "Chunlan goes to the world arena" and "world-level go tournament". The top of "Chunlan Cup" is round, while its bottom is the quadrate, embodying the the implied meaning of "hemispherical dome cosmology". The left and right ears are black and white go chessmen. Black and white means "yin" and "yang" respectively. Besides, the cup has the hidden meaning of "five elements, namely metal (24K "golden" character), wood (the pedestal of red "wood"), water (the pottery is the utensils to contain "water"), fire (red color is the symbol of "fire"), and earth (the raw material of pottery is "earth") held by the ancients to compose the physical universe, which tallies with the mystery and profoundness of go. "Chunlan Cup" is made by Mr. Qiu Lin, the senior industrial artist. It has profound cultural connotation, elegant pattern, dignified connotation, distinctive national style, strong individuality. No doubt it is the rare fine artwork in the artistic treasury of China.
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